Commerce et Distribution


Société import de vin à céder - Bucarest Roumanie

Les informations générales

Number Wine Consulting SRL is a company importing wine from France, Italy, Spain and Netherlands (New world wines) and distribute them to Restaurants and Hotels in Bucharest. Other clients include private and 1 distributor based in Pitesti for covering the rest of Romania.
The concept stands for:
• Imported wines from France (50% of the portfolio), Italy, Spain, Netherlands (new world).
• Modern & innovative wines at medium, to medium + prices – 20 lei to 200 lei
• Selection is small and made of easy-selling wines : NO STOCK PROBLEMS or OUTDATED stock
• Most activities being outsourced : delivery, order & logistics.
• Business being very sane & clean : no debt, no materials (truck, offices, etc.)
• Business is recorded at COFACE
The success of Number Wine since 2013 is the result of the:
1. A small selection of easy selling wine
2. A selection of clients paying – unpaid invoices totalised around 500 lei for the period 2013-2017
3. An expertise in selecting the wines perfectly adapted to a part of the market needs

  • Prix de cession (€) : 120.000 €
  • Type de cession : Majoritaire
  • Motif de vente : Personnel
Activité(s), positionnement, clientèle
  • Entreprise en redressement :Non
  • Les murs sont à vendre :Non
  • L'immobilier est compris dans le prix de cession ? :Non
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